

Return Cookery Walks Population

The retrospective of the year 1999:

Jean saint at the Halloween time:

Les enfantsLes parents

While the children collect candies... the parents decorate their houses!

The meal of old accompanied by the seniors (91 and 94 years).

Christmas of the children on December 19.

The midnight supper of St Sylvestre which gathered more than 170 people.

Last figures of the census 1999

St Jean in figures, the distribution by age bracket:

Children from 0 to 15 years


Young people from 15 to 20 years


People from 20 to 65 years


People of more than 65 years


The heading of Old: (listen to the interviews with Real Player 7 BASIC - free Version)

What they think of St Jean on Internet: Interview of Michel

What they think of the extreme subjects of the topicality: Interview of Virginia

Consultings of gardening:

As of January, think of digging in the floors and in particular under the trees to air the ground for the plantations of spring. Use a fork and not a spade not to cut the small roots.                                     Jean-Patrick, a jardinaute.

Receipts of kitchen: a dish easy to realize proposed by Mireille.

Sayings of the month:

If Mars enters in lion, it comes out out of sheep.

The day of St-pol., the winter breaks the collar.

The patois of St Jean:

A jeau................................Un cock                    a croâle.......................Un corbel

A tingot........................... Un container             a dart........................... false Une

To winch.............................Boire

Stories and anecdotes on St Jean (to be supplemented).

The heading of the Young people:

How do the Young people occupy themselves with St Jean?

A work programme for the Young people is being studied in partnership with the Social Center of Saint Benin d' Azy. We will have very soon information.

Drawings of smallest:

Le dessin d'Antoine Antoine - 7ans

The survey of the month:

Would you be interested by a film projection in Saint Jean?


Comments: if you have other ideas, do not hesitate with us to announce them.


Les danceurs

If you have elements interesting to add to this page send them! (heading Contacts)

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